Wind Poem Class 9 Short Summary Stanza Wise & Explanation in English


The poem Wind was written by Subramania Bharati in Tamil language and was later on translated into English by A.K. Ramanujan.

In this poem, the poet talks about the wind, its cruelty and then advises the readers to make themselves as well as their houses strong enough because the harshness of the wind makes us stronger and better.

The poem is symbolic as wind represents the problems which we face in our life. Those who do not work hard or believe themselves fail while those having firm willpower and determination succeed.

The poem has been divided into four stanzas each having four lines. We will discuss the poem word by word and also understand the hidden meaning.


Stanza 1

In the first stanza, the poet is in conversation with wind. He requests it to come softly. Further he asks the wind to not break the shutters of the windows, scatter the papers and throw down the books which are kept on the shelf.

Next, the poet tells wind what it has done. It threw all the books down, tore the pages of the books and also brought the rain again (i.e. it brought another problem along with itself). So, in these lines, the poet is telling how wind destroys the weak. Books are weak and hence wind threw them off the shelf and also tore their papers.

Stanza 2

The poet says that wind is very clever as it makes fun of weaklings (those who are weak and frail). Next, the poet says that all the frail i.e.weak houses, doors, rafters, wood (trees), bodies (of animals and humans), lives (killing them) and also weak hearts are crumbled (broke) and crushed in the winnows of Wind God.

In this stanza, the poet describes who is crushed in the wind. According to him, all the weak things become victims of mighty Wind God. Note that the poet calls wind as God because it is mighty, and does what it desires. No one can stop it from ruining weak things.

Stanza 3

In the third stanza, the poet accepts that he (i.e. wind) won’t do what we tell him. It will rather do what it desires. Hence we should build strong homes and joint the doors firmly.We should practise to make our body firm and strong and also make our heart steadfast (firm and strong).

In other words, wind i.e. the problems will never go away and we cannot escape them. Hence, the poet suggests the readers to rather make themselves strong. We should have strong will power and fearlessness. We should male ourselves brave enough to face the problems.

Stanza 4

In the last stanza, the poet says that if we make ourselves and our will power strong, the wind will become our friend. In other words, the problems will become our friend and will help us to grow.

In the next line, the poet says that the wind (or the problems and challenges) blow out (destroy or fail) the weak fires (i.e. those who lack will power or courage or hope). On the other hand, it makes strong fire (those having strong will power and fearlessness) roar and flourish (i.e. successful and famous).

In the final two lines, the poet says that the friendship of wind (challenges and problems) is good and a brave person praises him (wind which symbolises problems and challenges) every day.

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