A Truly Beautiful Mind Class 9 Short Summary & Explanation in English


This story is about Albert Einstein and how he achieved success in his life. It also includes his plea for a one world government and a constant yearning to ban all weapons.

“Brother Boring”

Albert Einstein’s mother thought he was a freak, but he was destined for greatness. His playmates called him ‘Brother Boring’ as he did not know how to interact with his friends. He started to talk at the age of twenty-two. So, he most of the time alone. Einstein was discouraged by his headmaster. He learned to play violin and maintained this skill throughout his life.

Albert Einstein often hated high school in Munich and left it for good though scoring best marks in the entire school. He loved Mathematics and Physics. He was also interested in a fellow student, Mileva Maric. She came to study there in Zurich at the same university, and both fell in love. Their love letters contained a mixture of science and romance.

An Imaginary Bureau

In 1902, he secured a job as a technical expert in the patent office in Bern. He also gathered ideas for his inventions there during his tenure. He jokingly called his desk drawer the “bureau of theoretical physics.”

His paper on Special Theory of Relativity stated that time and space were not absolute, i,e two clocks with the same time initially would show different times if one of them moved at a very high speed compared to the other. One of the famous formula that Einstein gave was E = mc2

Personal Problems

Besides solving physics problems, Einstein’s personal life was very complicated. Einstein, from the beginning, wanted to marry Mileva, but her mother disagreed, so Einstein called off the marriage. They finally married in 1903, but the couple parted ways in 1919. Einstein married his cousin Elsa the same year.

Scientific Revolution

In 1915, Einstein published his General Theory of Relativity, with the help of which he perfectly calculated the extent to which the light from fixed stars would be deflected. The scientific community considered it as a “scientific revolution.” He also received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

The Atom Bomb

When the Nazis were in power in Germany, Einstein emigrated to the United States. With the discovery of nuclear fission in Germany, many other physicists fled from Germany. Einstein wrote a letter to the then-president of the United States of America about the Atom Bomb’s destructive powers.

Later on, when America dropped the Atom Bomb on Japan, he was shocked. He wrote a letter to the United Nations for a world government. When he died in 1955, he was more of a world citizen than a scientist.