If I Were You Class 9 Short Summary & Explanation Notes in English


An intruder plans to kill Gerard and take his identity so that he might elope the police for good. However, things turn out to be different than what he expects.

Scene – a small cottage with simple furniture and scattered stuff.


Gerard is a man of average height who is trying to make a call over the telephone. After completing the call, Gerard starts to pack his bag. A man of the same height with a revolver in his hand enters silently but bumps on the table. Gerard turns quickly and asks him about the sudden surprise. He is not in a friendly mood. 

A Brilliant Manipulator

Both of them sit comfortably to talk about something. Gerard tells the man about his life story of how gypsies kidnaped him, and now he ends up here lonely. Nevertheless, the intruder shuts him up and asks if he lives alone in this cottage. Upon asking questions, the intruder warns him. Gerard answers that he has a car, and it is in the garage.

Utopian Future

Gerard answers every question that the intruder throws at him. He now asks the intruder to say something about himself. The intruder tells Gerard that after knowing his purpose of breaking into that cottage, Gerard would be surprised. He has come there to rob him. The intruder was convicted of murder already and now plans to kill Gerard and take his identity. Because as Vincent Charles Gerard he is free to go anywhere in the town.


The intruder now knows how Gerard speaks, so he is ready to kill him and take his place. Gerard asks the intruder what gain he would get by killing him. The intruder reveals that he had this whole planning done earlier to kill him. Gerard tries to tangle him in a conversation, but the intruder now gets ready to kill him. 


Gerard tells the intruder that he would be hanged even if he kills Gerard and takes his identity because he also has troubles with the law. Gerard also tells him that he is expecting trouble tonight; that is why he has packed his stuff and is ready to leave. Gerard invites the intruder to flee with him as he has a car at his disposal.

The intruder tries to inspect if Gerard was telling the truth. As he leans forward to check the car, Gerard pushes him toward the cupboard and locks him. The intruder cries for help, and Gerard reports the crime to the police.