Autumn Poem Class IX Summary & Line by Line Explanation in English


This poem is dedicated to the season of autumn. The poet describes autumn in terms of a beautiful young girl. He characterizes her with the things that make autumn so beautiful, such as starry skies and certain flowers that bloom during this time. The poem is 16 lines long and has two stanzas. The rhyme scheme of each stanza is ababcdcd.

Stanza 1

THE autumn comes, a maiden fair 
In slenderness and grace,
With nodding rice - stems in her hair 
And lilies in her face.
In flowers of grasses she is clad; 
And as she moves along,
Birds greet her with their cooing glad 
Like a bracelet’s tinkling song.

The poet describes autumn as a fair maiden who is slender and graceful. She comes with nodding rice-stems in her hair, and lilies in her face. She is clad in flowers of grasses. As she moves along, happy birds greet her with cooing like a bracelet’s tinkling song. The poet personifies the season of autumn as a beautiful girl. She is decorated with the season’s characteristic plants and flowers, such as rice stems, lilies, and grass flowers. Birds are eager to greet autumn and happily coo at her arrival.

Stanza 2

A diadem adorns the night !
Of multitudinous stars;
Her silken robe is white moonlight, 
Set free from cloudy bars;
And on her face (the radiant moon) 
Bewitching smiles are shown :
She seems a slender maid, who soon 
Will be a woman grown.

The poet continues to characterize autumn as a pretty maiden. Her hair is the autumn night sky. A crown adorns this night which is filled with many stars. Autumn’s silken robe is white moonlight free of cloudy patches. Her face is the radiant moon. Bewitching smiles are shown on this face. Autumn seems to be a slender maid who will soon be a grown woman. She is a girl who will soon step into adulthood. This gives us an idea of the youth and liveliness that the poet associates with autumn.


The poet makes us aware of autumn and its beauties through this poem. He paints a vivid image of autumn as a pretty girl to get his point across.