Lessons in Life Poem by Bridgette Bryant Summary & Line by Line Explanation in English 8th Standard


The poem gives inspiration and advice to the readers. It persuades the readers to embrace the lessons that life teaches them, even when they are not pleasant. It reminds us that we are all important and that each one of us matters. The poem is divided into three stanzas follows the abcb and defge rhyme scheme.


Having a friend is like planting a flower
Show love and kindness it one day will bloom
Let’s be aware as we walk on this planet
Even the tiniest creature needs room.
Lessons in life aren’t always so simple
Nothing you’re given will ever come free
Even the smallest of gifts deserves “thank you”

I respect you and you respect
I think of you and you think of me.
Remember everyone here is important
When you’re forgotten it makes you feel sad
Know that you matter and you make a difference
Let no one shame you or make you feel bad.
Lessons in life aren’t always so simple
Nothing you are given will ever come free
Even the smallest of gifts deserves “thank you”

I respect you and you respect
I think of you and you think of me.


The poet says that a friendship is similar to planting a flower. It takes time and one needs to be patient. Friendships require love and kindness to strengthen. We share this planet with many other beings. No matter how tiny, every creature needs space. We must keep in mind these small living beings and their nests and homes too. We must protect them and show them kindness.  

Life is not always very smooth and simple. Sometimes the lessons that we need to learn in order to grow and mature are not easy. Everything received comes with a price. A polite “thank you” too is essential for the smallest kind gesture. We must all respect each other. It is when one gives respect that they receive respect.  We must think of others and their needs too. We ought to remember to be kind and not hurt anyone.

The poet reminds the readers that each one matters and is important and loved. Even when one feels low and sad they should remember that they make a difference to the world. One must not let the world bully or shame them, or make them feel insecure about themselves. Confidence is important in order to win. This world is a race and everyone wants to win but in order to win, one must not resort to bullying or hurting anyone.


The poem is a beautiful piece of encouragement and promotes self-love. It also preaches kindness and consideration for all humans and animals.