Final concepts for improving Java application programming with Java threads This month’s Java 101 concludes the thread series by focusing on thread groups, volatility, thread-local variables, timers, and the ThreadDeath class.Understanding Java threads – read the whole seriesPart 1: Introducing threads and runnablesPart 2: Thread synchronizationPart 3: Thread scheduling, wait/notify, and thread interruptionPart 4: Thread groups, volatility, thread-local variables, timers, and thread deathThread groupsIn a network server program, one thread waits for and accepts requests from client programs to execute, for example, database transactions or complex calculations. The thread usually creates a new thread to handle the request. Depending on the request volume, many different threads might be simultaneously present, complicating thread management. To simplify thread management, programs organize their threads with thread groups—java.lang.ThreadGroup objects that group related threads’ Thread (and Thread subclass) objects. For example, your program can use ThreadGroup to group all printing threads into one group.Note: To keep the discussion simple, I refer to thread groups as if they organize threads. In reality, thread groups organize Thread (and Thread subclass) objects associated with threads.Java requires every thread and every thread group—save the root thread group, system—to join some other thread group. That arrangement leads to a hierarchical thread-group structure, which the figure below illustrates in an application context. Figure 1. An application’s hierarchical thread-group structure begins with a main thread group just below the system thread groupAt the top of the figure’s structure is the system thread group. The JVM-created system group organizes JVM threads that deal with object finalization and other system tasks, and serves as the root thread group of an application’s hierarchical thread-group structure. Just below system is the JVM-created main thread group, which is system‘s subthread group (subgroup, for short). main contains at least one thread—the JVM-created main thread that executes byte-code instructions in the main() method. Below the main group reside the subgroup 1 and subgroup 2 subgroups, application-created subgroups (which the figure’s application creates). Furthermore, subgroup 1 groups three application-created threads: thread 1, thread 2, and thread 3. In contrast, subgroup 2 groups one application-created thread: my thread.Now that you know the basics, let’s start creating thread groups. Create thread groups and associate threads with those groupsThe ThreadGroup class’s SDK documentation reveals two constructors: ThreadGroup(String name) and ThreadGroup(ThreadGroup parent, String name). Both constructors create a thread group and give it a name, as the name parameter specifies. The constructors differ in their choice of what thread group serves as parent to the newly created thread group. Each thread group, except system, must have a parent thread group. For ThreadGroup(String name), the parent is the thread group of the thread that calls ThreadGroup(String name). As an example, if the main thread calls ThreadGroup(String name), the newly created thread group has the main thread’s group as its parent—main. For ThreadGroup(ThreadGroup parent, String name), the parent is the group that parent references. The following code shows how to use these constructors to create a pair of thread groups:public static void main (String [] args) { ThreadGroup tg1 = new ThreadGroup ("A"); ThreadGroup tg2 = new ThreadGroup (tg1, "B"); } In the code above, the main thread creates two thread groups: A and B. First, the main thread creates A by calling ThreadGroup(String name). The tg1-referenced thread group’s parent is main because main is the main thread’s thread group. Second, the main thread creates B by calling ThreadGroup(ThreadGroup parent, String name). The tg2-referenced thread group’s parent is A because tg1‘s reference passes as an argument to ThreadGroup (tg1, "B") and A associates with tg1.Tip: Once you no longer need a hierarchy of ThreadGroup objects, call ThreadGroup‘s void destroy() method via a reference to the ThreadGroup object at the top of that hierarchy. If the top ThreadGroup object and all subgroup objects lack thread objects, destroy() prepares those thread group objects for garbage collection. Otherwise, destroy() throws an IllegalThreadStateException object. However, until you nullify the reference to the top ThreadGroup object (assuming a field variable contains that reference), the garbage collector cannot collect that object. Referencing the top object, you can determine if a previous call was made to the destroy() method by calling ThreadGroup‘s boolean isDestroyed() method. That method returns true if the thread group hierarchy was destroyed.By themselves, thread groups are useless. To be of any use, they must group threads. You group threads into thread groups by passing ThreadGroup references to appropriate Thread constructors: ThreadGroup tg = new ThreadGroup ("subgroup 2"); Thread t = new Thread (tg, "my thread"); The code above first creates a subgroup 2 group with main as the parent group. (I assume the main thread executes the code.) The code next creates a my thread Thread object in the subgroup 2 group.Now, let’s create an application that produces our figure’s hierarchical thread-group structure:Listing 1. class ThreadGroupDemo { public static void main (String [] args) { ThreadGroup tg = new ThreadGroup ("subgroup 1"); Thread t1 = new Thread (tg, "thread 1"); Thread t2 = new Thread (tg, "thread 2"); Thread t3 = new Thread (tg, "thread 3"); tg = new ThreadGroup ("subgroup 2"); Thread t4 = new Thread (tg, "my thread"); tg = Thread.currentThread ().getThreadGroup (); int agc = tg.activeGroupCount (); System.out.println ("Active thread groups in " + tg.getName () + " thread group: " + agc); tg.list (); } } ThreadGroupDemo creates the appropriate thread group and thread objects to mirror what you see in the figure above. To prove that the subgroup 1 and subgroup 2 groups are main‘s only subgroups, ThreadGroupDemo does the following: Retrieves a reference to the main thread’s ThreadGroup object by calling Thread‘s static currentThread() method (which returns a reference to the main thread’s Thread object) followed by Thread‘s ThreadGroup getThreadGroup() method.Calls ThreadGroup‘s int activeGroupCount() method on the just-returned ThreadGroup reference to return an estimate of active groups within the main thread’s thread group.Calls ThreadGroup‘s String getName () method to return the main thread’s thread group name.Calls ThreadGroup‘s void list () method to print on the standard output device details on the main thread’s thread group and all subgroups.When run, ThreadGroupDemo displays the following output:Active thread groups in main thread group: 2 java.lang.ThreadGroup[name=main,maxpri=10] Thread[main,5,main] Thread[Thread-0,5,main] java.lang.ThreadGroup[name=subgroup 1,maxpri=10] Thread[thread 1,5,subgroup 1] Thread[thread 2,5,subgroup 1] Thread[thread 3,5,subgroup 1] java.lang.ThreadGroup[name=subgroup 2,maxpri=10] Thread[my thread,5,subgroup 2] Output that begins with Thread results from list()‘s internal calls to Thread‘s toString() method, an output format I described in Part 1. Along with that output, you see output beginning with java.lang.ThreadGroup. That output identifies the thread group’s name followed by its maximum priority.Priority and thread groupsA thread group’s maximum priority is the highest priority any of its threads can attain. Consider the aforementioned network server program. Within that program, a thread waits for and accepts requests from client programs. Before doing that, the wait-for/accept-request thread might first create a thread group with a maximum priority just below that thread’s priority. Later, when a request arrives, the wait-for/accept-request thread creates a new thread to respond to the client request and adds the new thread to the previously created thread group. The new thread’s priority automatically lowers to the thread group’s maximum. That way, the wait-for/accept-request thread responds more often to requests because it runs more often. Java assigns a maximum priority to each thread group. When you create a group, Java obtains that priority from its parent group. Use ThreadGroup‘s void setMaxPriority(int priority) method to subsequently set the maximum priority. Any threads that you add to the group after setting its maximum priority cannot have a priority that exceeds the maximum. Any thread with a higher priority automatically lowers when it joins the thread group. However, if you use setMaxPriority(int priority) to lower a group’s maximum priority, all threads added to the group prior to that method call keep their original priorities. For example, if you add a priority 8 thread to a maximum priority 9 group, and then lower that group’s maximum priority to 7, the priority 8 thread remains at priority 8. At any time, you can determine a thread group’s maximum priority by calling ThreadGroup‘s int getMaxPriority() method. To demonstrate priority and thread groups, I wrote MaxPriorityDemo:Listing 2. class MaxPriorityDemo { public static void main (String [] args) { ThreadGroup tg = new ThreadGroup ("A"); System.out.println ("tg maximum priority = " + tg.getMaxPriority ()); Thread t1 = new Thread (tg, "X"); System.out.println ("t1 priority = " + t1.getPriority ()); t1.setPriority (Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + 1); System.out.println ("t1 priority after setPriority() = " + t1.getPriority ()); tg.setMaxPriority (Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1); System.out.println ("tg maximum priority after setMaxPriority() = " + tg.getMaxPriority ()); System.out.println ("t1 priority after setMaxPriority() = " + t1.getPriority ()); Thread t2 = new Thread (tg, "Y"); System.out.println ("t2 priority = " + t2.getPriority ()); t2.setPriority (Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); System.out.println ("t2 priority after setPriority() = " + t2.getPriority ()); } } When run, MaxPriorityDemo produces the following output:tg maximum priority = 10 t1 priority = 5 t1 priority after setPriority() = 6 tg maximum priority after setMaxPriority() = 4 t1 priority after setMaxPriority() = 6 t2 priority = 4 t2 priority after setPriority() = 4 Thread group A (which tg references) starts with the highest priority (10) as its maximum. Thread X, whose Thread object t1 references, joins the group and receives 5 as its priority. We change that thread’s priority to 6, which succeeds because 6 is less than 10. Subsequently, we call setMaxPriority(int priority) to reduce the group’s maximum priority to 4. Although thread X remains at priority 6, a newly-added Y thread receives 4 as its priority. Finally, an attempt to increase thread Y‘s priority to 5 fails, because 5 is greater than 4. Note: setMaxPriority(int priority) automatically adjusts the maximum priority of a thread group’s subgroups.In addition to using thread groups to limit thread priority, you can accomplish other tasks by calling various ThreadGroup methods that apply to each group’s thread. Methods include void suspend(), void resume(), void stop(), and void interrupt(). Because Sun Microsystems has deprecated the first three methods (they are unsafe), we examine only interrupt().Interrupt a thread groupThreadGroup‘s interrupt() method allows a thread to interrupt a specific thread group’s threads and subgroups. This technique would prove appropriate in the following scenario: Your application’s main thread creates multiple threads that each perform a unit of work. Because all threads must complete their respective work units before any thread can examine the results, each thread waits after completing its work unit. The main thread monitors the work state. Once all other threads are waiting, the main thread calls interrupt() to interrupt the other threads’ waits. Then those threads can examine and process the results. Listing 3 demonstrates thread group interruption:Listing 3. class InterruptThreadGroup { public static void main (String [] args) { MyThread mt = new MyThread (); mt.setName ("A"); mt.start (); mt = new MyThread (); mt.setName ("B"); mt.start (); try { Thread.sleep (2000); // Wait 2 seconds } catch (InterruptedException e) { } // Interrupt all methods in the same thread group as the main // thread Thread.currentThread ().getThreadGroup ().interrupt (); } } class MyThread extends Thread { public void run () { synchronized ("A") { System.out.println (getName () + " about to wait."); try { "A".wait (); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println (getName () + " interrupted."); } System.out.println (getName () + " terminating."); } } } The main thread creates and starts threads A and B before sleeping for 2,000 milliseconds to give A and B a chance to wait. Upon waking, the main thread assumes A and B are waiting, and executes Thread.currentThread ().getThreadGroup ().interrupt (); to interrupt those threads. Because A and B execute in a synchronized context, one thread will throw an InterruptedException object and finish its processing before the other thread does the same. When run, InterruptThreadGroup produces the following output (for one invocation): A about to wait. B about to wait. A interrupted. A terminating. B interrupted. B terminating. A is interrupted and terminates before B is interrupted and terminates.You’ll occasionally want to enumerate all threads or subgroups that comprise a thread group. The next section explores that activity.Enumerate threads and subgroupsPart 1 introduced you to Thread‘s activeCount() and enumerate(Thread [] thdarray) methods. activeCount() calls ThreadGroup‘s int activeCount() method via the current thread’s group reference to return an estimate of the active threads in the current thread’s group and subgroups. enumerate(Thread [] thdarray) calls ThreadGroup‘s int enumerate(Thread [] thdarray) method via the current thread’s group reference. enumerate(Thread [] thdarray) is just one of four enumeration methods in ThreadGroup: int enumerate(Thread [] thdarray) copies into thdarray references to every active thread in the current thread group and all enumerate(Thread [] thdarray, boolean recurse) copies into thdarray references to every active thread in the current thread group only if recurse is false. Otherwise, this method includes active threads from enumerate(ThreadGroup [] tgarray) copies into tgarray references to every active subgroup in the current thread enumerate(ThreadGroup [] tgarray, boolean recurse) copies into tgarray references to every active subgroup in the current thread group only if recurse is false. Otherwise, this method includes all active subgroups of active subgroups, active subgroups of active subgroups of active subgroups, and so on.You can use ThreadGroup‘s activeCount and enumerate(Thread [] thdarray) methods to enumerate all program threads. First, you find the system thread group. Then you call ThreadGroup‘s activeCount() method to retrieve an active thread count for array-sizing purposes. Next, you call ThreadGroup‘s enumerate(Thread [] thdarray) method to populate that array with Thread references, as Listing 4 demonstrates:Listing 4. class EnumThreads { public static void main (String [] args) { // Find system thread group ThreadGroup system = null; ThreadGroup tg = Thread.currentThread ().getThreadGroup (); while (tg != null) { system = tg; tg = tg.getParent (); } // Display a list of all system and application threads, and their // daemon status if (system != null) { Thread [] thds = new Thread [system.activeCount ()]; int nthds = system.enumerate (thds); for (int i = 0; i < nthds; i++) System.out.println (thds [i] + " " + thds [i].isDaemon ()); } } } When run, EnumThreads produces the following output (on my platform):Thread[Reference Handler,10,system] true Thread[Finalizer,8,system] true Thread[Signal Dispatcher,10,system] true Thread[CompileThread0,10,system] true Thread[main,5,main] false Apart from a main thread, all other threads belong to the system thread group. Tip: You can easily determine a thread group’s parent group by calling ThreadGroup‘s ThreadGroup getParent() method. For all thread groups, save system, this method returns a nonnull reference. For system, this method returns null. You can also find out if a thread group is the parent, grandparent, and so forth of another thread group by calling ThreadGroup‘s boolean parentOf(ThreadGroup tg) method. That method returns true if a thread, whose reference you use to call parentOf(ThreadGroup tg), is a parent (or other ancestor) of the group that tg references—or is the same group as the tg-referenced group. Otherwise, the method returns false.VolatilityVolatility, that is, changeability, describes the situation where one thread changes a shared field variable’s value and another thread sees that change. You expect other threads to always see a shared field variable’s value, but that is not necessarily the case. For performance reasons, Java does not require a JVM implementation to read a value from or write a value to a shared field variable in main memory, or object heap memory. Instead, the JVM might read a shared field variable’s value from a processor register or cache, collectively known as working memory. Similarly, the JVM might write a shared field variable’s value to a processor register or cache. That capability affects how threads share field variables, as you will see.Suppose a program creates a shared integer-field variable x whose initial value in main memory is 10. This program starts two threads; one thread writes to x, and the other reads x‘s value. Finally, this program runs on a JVM implementation that assigns each thread its own private working memory, meaning each thread has its own private copy of x. When the writing thread writes 6 to x, the writing thread only updates its private working-memory copy of x; the thread does not update the main-memory copy. Also, when the reading thread reads from x, the returned value comes from the reading thread’s private copy. Hence, the reading thread returns 10 (because a shared field variable’s private working-memory copies initialize to values taken from the main-memory counterpart), not 6. As a result, one thread is unaware of another’s change to a shared field variable.A thread’s inability to observe another thread’s modification to a shared field variable can cause serious problems. For example, last month‘s YieldDemo application contained a pair of shared field variables: finished and sum. For JVMs that support separate working memory for each thread, the main and main-created YieldDemo threads can have their own copies of finished and sum. As a result, the main thread’s execution of finished = true; would not affect the YieldDemo thread’s copy of that variable—and the YieldDemo thread would never terminate. When you ran YieldDemo, you probably discovered that program eventually terminated. That implies your JVM implementation reads/writes main memory instead of working memory. But if you found that the program did not terminate, you probably encountered a situation where the main thread set its working memory copy of finished to true, not the equivalent main-memory copy. Also, the YieldDemo thread read its own working-memory copy of finished, and never saw true.To fix YieldDemo‘s visibility problem (on those JVMs that support working memory), include Java’s volatile keyword in the finished and sum declarations: static volatile boolean finished = false; and static volatile int sum = 0;. The volatile keyword ensures that when a thread writes to a volatile shared field variable, the JVM modifies the main-memory copy, not the thread’s working-memory copy. Similarly, the JVM ensures that a thread always reads from the main-memory copy.Caution: The volatile and final keywords cannot appear together in a shared field variable declaration. Any attempt to include both keywords forces the compiler to report an error.The visibility problem does not occur when threads use synchronization to access shared field variables. When a thread acquires a lock, the thread’s working-memory copies of shared field variables reload from their main-memory counterparts. Similarly, when a thread releases a lock, the working-memory copies flush back to the main-memory shared field variables. For example, in last month’s ProdCons2 application, the producer and consumer threads read from/wrote to the writeable shared field variable’s main-memory copy because all access to that shared field variable happened within synchronized contexts. As a result, synchronization allows threads to communicate via shared field variables. Tip: To ensure that a read/write operation (outside a synchronized context) on either a long-integer shared field variable or a double-precision floating-point shared field variable succeeds, prefix the shared field variable’s declaration with keyword volatile.New developers sometimes think volatility replaces synchronization. Although volatility, through keyword volatile, lets you assign values to long-integer or double-precision floating-point shared field variables outside a synchronized context, volatility cannot replace synchronization. Synchronization lets you group several operations into an indivisible unit, which you cannot do with volatility. However, because volatility is faster than synchronization, use volatility in situations where multiple threads must communicate via a single shared field variable.Thread-local variablesSun’s Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) SDK 1.2 introduced the java.lang.ThreadLocal class, which developers use to create thread-local variables—ThreadLocal objects that store values on a per-thread basis. Each ThreadLocal object maintains a separate value (such as a user ID) for each thread that accesses the object. Furthermore, a thread manipulates its own value and can’t access other values in the same thread-local variable.ThreadLocal has three methods: Object get (): Returns the calling thread’s value from the thread-local variable. Because this method is thread-safe, you can call get() from outside a synchronized context.Object initialValue (): Returns the calling thread’s initial value from the thread-local variable. Each thread’s first call to either get() or set(Object value) results in an indirect call to initialValue() to initialize that thread’s value in the thread-local variable. Because ThreadLocal‘s default implementation of initialValue() returns null, you must subclass ThreadLocal and override this method to return a nonnull initial value.void set (Object value): Sets the current thread’s value in the thread-local variable to value. Use this method to replace the value that initialValue() returns.Listing 5 shows you how to use ThreadLocal:Listing 5. class ThreadLocalDemo1 { public static void main (String [] args) { MyThread mt1 = new MyThread ("A"); MyThread mt2 = new MyThread ("B"); MyThread mt3 = new MyThread ("C"); mt1.start (); mt2.start (); mt3.start (); } } class MyThread extends Thread { private static ThreadLocal tl = new ThreadLocal () { protected synchronized Object initialValue () { return new Integer (sernum++); } }; private static int sernum = 100; MyThread (String name) { super (name); } public void run () { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) System.out.println (getName () + " " + tl.get ()); } } ThreadLocalDemo1 creates a thread-local variable. That variable associates a unique serial number with each thread that accesses the thread-local variable by calling tl.get (). When a thread first calls tl.get (), ThreadLocal‘s get() method calls the overridden initialValue() method in the anonymous ThreadLocal subclass. The following output results from one program invocation:A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 A 100 B 101 B 101 B 101 B 101 B 101 B 101 B 101 B 101 B 101 B 101 C 102 C 102 C 102 C 102 C 102 C 102 C 102 C 102 C 102 C 102 The output associates each thread name (A, B, or C) with a unique serial number. If you run this program a second time, you might see a different serial number associate with a thread name. Though the number differs, it always associates with a single thread name.Note: To allow multiple threads access to the same ThreadLocal object, ThreadLocalDemo1 uses the static keyword. Without that keyword, each thread accesses its own ThreadLocal object, with each object containing only a value for one thread, not a separate value for each thread. Because thread-local variables store values on a per-thread basis, failing to use static in a thread-local variable declaration serves little purpose.An alternative to overriding ThreadLocal‘s initialValue() method is calling that class’s set(Object value) method to provide an initial value: Listing 6. class ThreadLocalDemo2 { public static void main (String [] args) { MyThread mt1 = new MyThread ("A"); MyThread mt2 = new MyThread ("B"); MyThread mt3 = new MyThread ("C"); mt1.start (); mt2.start (); mt3.start (); } } class MyThread extends Thread { private static ThreadLocal tl = new ThreadLocal (); private static int sernum = 100; MyThread (String name) { super (name); } public void run () { synchronized ("A") { tl.set ("" + sernum++); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) System.out.println (getName () + " " + tl.get ()); } } ThreadLocalDemo2 is nearly identical to ThreadLocalDemo1. However, instead of overriding initialValue() to establish each thread’s initial value to a unique serial number, ThreadLocalDemo2 uses a tl.set ("" + sernum++); method call. If you run this program, your output will be more or less identical (on an invocation-by-invocation basis) to ThreadLocalDemo1‘s output.Before leaving this section, we must consider one other topic: inheritance and thread-local variables. When a thread creates another thread, the creating thread is the parent thread and the created thread is the child thread. For example, the main thread that executes the main() method’s byte-code instructions is the parent of all threads that those instructions create. A child cannot inherit a parent’s thread-local values that the parent thread establishes via the ThreadLocal class. However, a parent can use java.lang.InheritableThreadLocal (which extends ThreadLocal) to pass the values of inheritable thread-local variables to a child, as Listing 7 demonstrates:Listing 7. class InheritableThreadLocalDemo implements Runnable { static InheritableThreadLocal itl = new InheritableThreadLocal (); static ThreadLocal tl = new ThreadLocal (); public static void main (String [] args) { itl.set ("parent thread thread-local value passed to child thread"); tl.set ("parent thread thread-local value not passed to child thread"); InheritableThreadLocalDemo itld; itld = new InheritableThreadLocalDemo (); Thread child1 = new Thread (itld); Thread child2 = new Thread (itld); child1.start (); child2.start (); } public void run () { System.out.println (itl.get ()); System.out.println (tl.get ()); } } InheritableThreadLocalDemo creates an inheritable thread-local variable via the InheritableThreadLocal class and a thread-local variable via the ThreadLocal class. Furthermore, the main thread calls each variable’s set(Object value) method to establish an initial value before creating and starting two child threads. When each child calls get() to retrieve that value, only the inheritable thread-local variable’s value returns, as the following output (from one invocation) demonstrates:parent thread thread-local value passed to child thread null parent thread thread-local value passed to child thread null The output shows each child thread printing parent thread thread-local value passed to child thread, which is the inheritable thread-local variable’s value. However, null prints as the ThreadLocal variable’s value.Tip: Override InheritableThreadLocal‘s childValue(Object parentvalue) method to make the child’s inheritable thread-local value a function of the parent’s inheritable thread-local value.TimersPrograms occasionally need a timer mechanism to execute code either once or periodically, and either at some specified time or after a time interval. Before Sun released J2SE 1.3, a developer either created a custom timer mechanism or relied on another’s mechanism. Incompatible timer mechanisms led to difficult-to-maintain source code. Recognizing a need to standardize timer mechanisms, Sun introduced two timer classes in SDK 1.3: java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask.Note: Sun also introduced the javax.swing.Timer class in the 1.3 SDK. I don’t present that class here because that discussion requires Swing knowledge. After I introduce you to Swing in a future article, I’ll explore Swing’s Timer class.According to the SDK, use a Timer object to schedule tasks—TimerTask and subclass objects—for execution. That execution relies on a thread associated with the Timer object. To create a Timer object, call either the Timer() or Timer(boolean isDaemon) constructor. The constructors differ in the threads they create to execute tasks: Timer() creates a nondaemon thread, whereas Timer(boolean isDaemon) creates a daemon thread, when isDaemon contains true. The following code demonstrates both constructors creating Timer objects:Timer t1 = new Timer (); // Create a nondaemon thread to execute all tasks Timer T2 = new Timer (true); // Create a daemon thread to execute all tasks Once you create a Timer object, you need a TimerTask to execute. Do that by subclassing TimerTask and overriding TimerTask‘s run() method. (TimerTask implements Runnable, which specifies the run() method.) The following code fragment demonstrates:class MyTask extends TimerTask { public void run () { System.out.println ("MyTask task is running."); } } Now that you have a Timer object and a TimerTask subclass, to schedule a TimerTask object for one-time or repeated execution, call one of Timer‘s four schedule() methods:void schedule(TimerTask task, Date time): Schedules task for one-time execution at the specified time.void schedule(TimerTask task, Date firstTime, long interval): Schedules task for repeated execution at the specified firstTime and at interval millisecond intervals following firstTime. This execution is known as fixed-delay execution because each subsequent task execution occurs relative to the previous task execution’s actual execution time. Furthermore, if an execution delays because of garbage collection or some other background activity, all subsequent executions also delay.void schedule(TimerTask task, long delay): Schedules task for one-time execution after delay milliseconds pass.void schedule(TimerTask task, long delay, long interval): Schedules task for repeated execution after delay milliseconds pass and at interval millisecond intervals following firstTime. This method employs fixed-delay execution.The following code fragment, which assumes a t1-referenced Timer object, creates a MyTask object and schedules that object using the fourth method in the above list for repeated execution (every second), following an initial delay of zero milliseconds:t1.schedule (new MyTask (), 0, 1000); Every second (that is, 1,000 milliseconds), the Timer‘s thread executes the MyTask‘s run() method. For a more useful example of task execution, check out Listing 8:Listing 8. // Type Ctrl+C (or equivalent keystroke combination on non-Windows platform) // to terminate import java.util.*; class Clock1 { public static void main (String [] args) { Timer t = new Timer (); t.schedule (new TimerTask () { public void run () { System.out.println (new Date ().toString ()); } }, 0, 1000); } } Clock1 creates a Timer object and calls schedule(TimerTask task, long delay, long interval) to schedule fixed-delay executions of an anonymous TimerTask subclass object’s run() method. That method retrieves the current date by calling java.util.Date‘s Date() constructor and converts the Date object’s contents to a human-readable String, which subsequently prints. The following partial output shows the results of running this program:Mon Jul 01 16:23:49 CDT 2002 Mon Jul 01 16:23:51 CDT 2002 Mon Jul 01 16:23:52 CDT 2002 Mon Jul 01 16:23:53 CDT 2002 Mon Jul 01 16:23:54 CDT 2002 Mon Jul 01 16:23:55 CDT 2002 Mon Jul 01 16:23:56 CDT 2002 Mon Jul 01 16:23:57 CDT 2002 In addition to the four schedule() methods, Timer includes two scheduleAtFixedRate() methods:void scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task, Date firstTime, long interval): Schedules task for repeated execution at the specified firstTime and at interval millisecond intervals following firstTime. This execution is known as fixed-rate execution because each subsequent task execution occurs relative to the initial task execution. Furthermore, if an execution delays because of garbage collection or some other background activity, two or more executions occur in rapid succession to maintain the execution frequency.void scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task, long delay, long interval): Schedules task for repeated execution after delay milliseconds pass and at interval millisecond intervals following firstTime. This method employs fixed-rate execution.Two of the four schedule() methods use fixed-delay execution, whereas both scheduleAtFixedRate() methods use fixed-rate execution. How do these execution styles differ? Fixed-delay execution promotes an accurate frequency in the short run versus the long run. This execution style is appropriate for tasks that must operate smoothly, such as many animation tasks and a blinking cursor, where erratic movements interrupt the programs’ fluidity. In contrast to fixed-delay execution, fixed-rate execution promotes total frequency accuracy at the expense of execution smoothness. This style is appropriate for counters and clocks that should not miss a single execution. Why is that important? In Clock1‘s output, you see the time moving from Mon Jul 01 16:23:49 CDT 2002 to Mon Jul 01 16:23:51 CDT 2002, with no intermediate Mon Jul 01 16:23:50 CDT 2002. Clock1‘s fixed-delay execution results in a loss of total frequency accuracy. We can correct that problem by using fixed-rate execution:Listing 9. // Type Ctrl+C (or equivalent keystroke combination on non-Windows platform) // to terminate import java.util.*; class Clock2 { public static void main (String [] args) { Timer t = new Timer (); t.scheduleAtFixedRate (new TimerTask () { public void run () { System.out.println (new Date (). toString ()); } }, 0, 1000); } } With Clock2, you are less likely to miss seeing a single second because scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task, long delay, long interval) promotes extra task executions when a delay occurs. But if the delay is excessive, the output can still omit various times.Clock1 and Clock2 have a problem: Neither program provides platform-independent termination. Depending on the platform used, a user must type some keystroke combination to exit either program. To solve this problem, you could construct a daemon task execution thread by calling Timer (true). That way, the program ends when the main thread ends. However, because this technique does not allow the currently executing task to finish, it is problematic. Imagine what would happen if the task is writing to a file when the application ends. A better approach allows the main thread to initiate a thread that checks for user input and waits for the input thread to terminate once input occurs. The main thread then calls Timer‘s void cancel() method to terminate the timer and discard all scheduled tasks after the currently executing task leaves its run() method. Listing 10 demonstrates this approach:Listing 10. // Type Ctrl+C (or equivalent keystroke combination on non-Windows platform) // to terminate import java.util.*; class Clock3 { public static void main (String [] args) { Timer t = new Timer (); t.scheduleAtFixedRate (new TimerTask () { public void run () { System.out.println (new Date (). toString ()); } }, 0, 1000); InputThread it = new InputThread (); it.start (); try { // Wait for input thread to terminate it.join (); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } // Terminate the timer and discard all scheduled tasks after the // currently executing task leaves its run() method t.cancel (); } } class InputThread extends Thread { public void run () { try { // Wait for user to type Enter key (); } catch ( e) { } } } Tip: To terminate the currently running task without affecting other tasks, call TimerTask‘s boolean cancel() method. That method cancels the current task so that it will never run again (assuming the task is repeating) after it finishes its current execution and returns a Boolean true value if either the task is a one-time task that has not yet run or a repeating task. False returns if a one-time task has already run, if it was never scheduled, or if it was cancelled. TimerTask‘s cancel() method does not cancel any other tasks.Thread deathPrior to the deprecation of Thread‘s stop() method, developers often called that method to terminate a thread. stop() throws a ThreadDeath object, causing the thread to exit from any point within run()‘s execution by unwinding the thread’s method-call stack. The JVM catches the thrown ThreadDeath object, yet does not display a stack trace.Though you shouldn’t use stop() anymore, you might need to stop a thread during its execution. Although thread termination normally involves returning from the run() method, that might prove difficult to accomplish if the thread’s execution is deep within a nested set of method calls. By throwing a ThreadDeath object, a thread can unwind the method-call stack and terminate gracefully as Listing 11 shows:Listing 11. class ThreadDeathDemo { public static void main (String [] args) { MyThreadGroup mtg = new MyThreadGroup ("My Group"); new MyThread (mtg, "My Thread").start (); } } class MyThread extends Thread { MyThread (ThreadGroup tg, String name) { super (tg, name); } public void run () { System.out.println ("About to do something."); doSomething (); System.out.println ("Something done."); } void doSomething () { doSomethingHelper (); } void doSomethingHelper () { throw new MyThreadDeath (MyThreadDeath.REASON2); } } class MyThreadDeath extends ThreadDeath { final static int REASON1 = 1; final static int REASON2 = 2; final static int REASON3 = 3; int reason; MyThreadDeath (int reason) { this.reason = reason; } } class MyThreadGroup extends ThreadGroup { MyThreadGroup (String name) { super (name); } public void uncaughtException (Thread t, Throwable e) { if (e instanceof MyThreadDeath) { reportError (t, e); cleanup (); } super.uncaughtException (t, e); } void reportError (Thread t, Throwable e) { System.out.print (t.getName () + " unable to do something. Reason: "); switch (((MyThreadDeath) e).reason) { case MyThreadDeath.REASON1: System.out.println ("First reason."); break; case MyThreadDeath.REASON2: System.out.println ("Second reason."); break; case MyThreadDeath.REASON3: System.out.println ("Third reason."); } } void cleanup () { System.out.println ("Cleaning up"); } } ThreadDeathDemo‘s main thread executes main()‘s byte-code instructions, which create a MyThreadGroup object and a MyThread object that groups into MyThreadGroup. The main thread then starts a thread associated with MyThread.The MyThread thread enters its run() method, where it prints some text and calls the doSomething() method. That method subsequently calls doSomethingHelper(), which throws a MyThreadDeath object. (I subclass ThreadDeath so I can assign a reason for the death of a thread.) At some point, the thrown MyThreadDeath object results in a call to MyThreadGroup‘s uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) method, which determines if a MyThreadDeath object was thrown. If so, calls are made to methods reportError(Thread t, Throwable e) and cleanup(), to print error information and perform cleanup operations, respectively. When run, ThreadDeathDemo produces the following output:About to do something. My Thread unable to do something. Reason: Second reason. Cleaning up Caution: ThreadDeath is a powerful tool for causing a thread to terminate its execution. However, this tool is dangerous, and is the reason Sun deprecated the stop() method. When a thread throws a ThreadDeath object, all locked monitors unlock as ThreadDeath propagates up the method-call stack. Objects protected by these monitors become accessible to other threads. If those objects are in an inconsistent state, a program can experience erratic behavior, a database or file can corrupt, and so on. However, if you know that the thread is not holding any locks, you can safely throw ThreadDeath.ReviewThis article completes my coverage of threads by exploring thread groups, volatility, thread-local variables, timers, and ThreadDeath. You learned to use thread groups to group related threads, to use volatility to allow threads access to main-memory copies of shared field variables, to use thread-local variables to give threads their own independently initialized values, to use timers to schedule the execution of tasks either periodically or for a one-time execution, and to use ThreadDeath to let a thread prematurely exit from its run() method.Next month I’ll show you how to use packages to organize your classes and interfaces.Jeff Friesen has been involved with computers for the past 20 years. He holds a degree in computer science and has worked with many computer languages. Jeff has also taught introductory Java programming at the college level. In addition to writing for JavaWorld, he has written his own Java book for beginners— Java 2 by Example, Second Edition (Que Publishing, 2001; ISBN: 0789725932)—and helped write Using Java 2 Platform, Special Edition (Que Publishing, 2001; ISBN: 0789724685). Jeff goes by the nickname Java Jeff (or JavaJeff). 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