JavaScript | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
Node.js v20.8.0 release also brings memory management improvements that address longstanding memory leaks.
Want to build efficient and scalable Node.js applications? Learn how to make JavaScript work for you, not against you.
Next.js 13.5 features faster startups and refreshes and lower memory usage. Package imports were also optimized for large libraries.
Directive functionality is to be added to the framework itself, along with deferrable loading.
Deno 1.37 highlights integration with Jupyter Notebook for scripting and analysis and improved VS Code extension support, among other updates.
HTMX is the HTML extension syntax that replaces JavaScript with simple markup. It could change the course of web development.
The new API, which will be made available through DataStax’s Stargate, will allow JavaScript developers to leverage Astra DB as a vector database for their large language model (LLM), AI assistant, and real-time generative AI projects.
Here's your chance to use TensorFlow with JavaScript. Train a neural network to predict the rise and fall of Bitcoin prices.
All-in-one toolkit for building, testing, debugging, and running JavaScript and TypeScript is available in a production-ready release.
Hapi is a Node.js framework that features a high-quality code stack, powerful configuration, and dialed-in extensibility—all without added dependencies. Let's take Hapi for a spin.