Java | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
The Apprenda private PaaS is both full-featured and flexible, supporting .Net and Java development and a wealth of deployment options
MongoDB zeroes in on operations with pluggable storage engines and revamped management tools
Sublime Text, TextMate, and Brackets lead a rich field in capabilities and speed
Storm is proven for streaming at a massive scale, but difficult to learn and use
At last, MongoDB is all grown up
How Eclipse, NetBeans, JDeveloper, and IntelliJ IDEA stack up in capabilities and ease of use
FeedHenry leads the pack of MBaaS platforms for building enterprise, mobile-first solutions
Cloud Foundry shines with broad application support and stellar ease of use, but OpenShift has the edge in management and automation
Cloud Foundry buildpacks provide framework and runtime support for Java enterprise applications
Using lambda expressions can make your Java code leaner, more powerful, and easier to read