Python was in the spotlight all last month, with a new release and a couple of big wins. Here are our picks for the best news and tutorials for Python developers in October.

October was an extra busy month in the world of Python, as all signs point to its unstoppable ascent. As reported on InfoWorld, Python is not only the language of choice for AI, but recently beat out JavaScript as the most used language on GitHub. That is no small feat. In more technical news, if you haven’t yet checked out the free-threaded, “no-GIL” build of Python, we encourage it—and we have the guide to get you started. We’ve also updated our introduction to parallelism in Python, which now covers Python threads, subprocesses, the new free-threaded build in Python 3.13, and subinterpreters.
Top picks for Python readers on InfoWorld
Python overtakes JavaScript on GitHub
Another rising star is Jupyter Notebook, also gaining traction on everyone’s favorite code-sharing site.
Python threading and subprocesses explained
Learn how to choose between threads or processes for parallel operations in Python, and find out what the free-threaded build in Python 3.13 brings to the table.
Why Python is the language of choice for AI
Eyeing a future in developing AI solutions? Python developers already have a leg up.
Get started with the free-threaded build of Python 3.13
Python’s GIL-free, thread-parallel future is here! Here’s how to try it out for yourself.
More good reads and Python updates elsewhere
Austin: A Frame Stack Sampler for CPython
Ever want to know what your Python app spends all its time doing without slowing it down? Austin knows the secrets of the stack.
9 Levels of Asynchronous Programming in Python
This nine-level deep dive starts with when to use async (easy), then dives all the way down into error handling (complex) and throttling async resource use (also complex but powerful).
Python 3.12 vs Python 3.13 – performance testing
How much faster is 3.13 over 3.12, and which common modules get the best speedup? Find the answers in this benchmark rundown.
Multiversion Python Thoughts
Key Python developer Armin Ronacher muses on how to install multiple, incompatible versions of a Python library side by side. (You can do it, but it’s not easy.)