Microsoft .NET | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
LightSwitch Compatibility Pack enables legacy Visual Studio LightSwitch applications to run in modern browsers.
TouchBehavior provides the ability to interact with visual elements in .NET apps based on touch, mouse clicks, and hover events.
Parameter binding from forms, antiforgery tokens, and Native AOT are now supported in ASP.NET Core. Here’s how to take advantage of them.
Take advantage of connection resiliency in EF Core to detect errors and retry commands and enable your ASP.NET Core application to overcome transient faults.
The MSTest SDK is intended to improve the .NET unit testing experience through better defaults, simpler usage, and easier extensibility.
It’s time to update your older cross-platform .NET applications. Should you use MAUI or something else?
The new SearchValues class takes advantage of vectorization and hardware acceleration to speed up repeated searches in .NET 8.
Microsoft will no longer provide technical support or security fixes for .NET 7 after May 14.
Currently experimental .NET Smart Components for Blazor, MVC, and Razor Pages bring Azure OpenAI intelligence to forms, menus, and text areas in apps.
Understand the pitfalls of using enumeration types in the domain layer of your .NET applications and the advantages of using record types instead.