Technology Industry | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
The upcoming Android update emphasizes security, productivity, and making apps more widely accessible.
Microsoft has rolled its Git Virtual File System and Scalar optimizations into a fork of Git designed to support enormous repos and large distributed teams.
How the CAKES stack, centered on Kubernetes, addresses API, networking, security, and compliance challenges while speeding up delivery and lowering costs.
A recent study shows that the cloud benefits the IT department more than other business areas. That’s not enough to make it a success.
AI-powered assistant for Google Cloud can help design, deploy, and configure apps, troubleshoot issues, and optimize performance and costs.
Hardware requirements vary for machine learning and other compute-intensive workloads. Get to know these GPU specs and Nvidia GPU models.
It’s no surprise that AI will be a gold mine for cloud providers. However, if vendors and customers move too far in the wrong direction, we’ll waste business value for years.
Jpegli reduces noise and improves image quality, which could lead to a faster, more beautiful Internet.
The Redis license change hurts no one except AWS and other cloud giants. If they gave back a little, they wouldn’t need watered-down forks.