1 Minute Speech On Changing The Face Of India In English

Good morning to everyone, I would like to express my gratitude to the principal, the teachers, and my friends for letting me tell you about the changing face of India. Modern society is complicated and contradictory, with superstitious practices still used despite the abolition of untouchability and caste- and community-based discrimination. Social change is a … Read more

1 Minute Speech On Cell Phone In English

Good morning to everyone, I would like to express my gratitude to the principal, the teachers, and my friends for letting me tell you about the cell phone. Cell phones are a device used for voice conversations, video chats, text messages, multimedia messages, internet surfing, email, video games, and photography. They come in a variety … Read more

1 Minute Speech On Cancer In English

Good morning to everyone, I would like to express my gratitude to the principal, the teachers, and my friends for letting me tell you about cancer. All kinds of cell growth that is uncontrolled are collectively referred to as cancer. Our body’s cells typically go through a set cycle from birth to death. Cancer patients, … Read more

1 Minute Speech On Cashless India In English

Good morning to everyone, I would like to express my gratitude to the principal, the teachers, and my friends for letting me tell you about cashless India. Making India cashless is the first step in achieving the Digital India vision. The term “cashless” and various alternatives to our current monetary system. The demonetization of the … Read more

1 Minute Speech On Cars In English

Good morning to everyone, I would like to express my gratitude to the principal, the teachers, and my friends for letting me tell you about the cars. In 1769, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot of France created the first automobile, which is still in use today. Nikolaus Otto invented gasoline-powered cars in 1876, improving their dependability and … Read more