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- Elephant is the largest animal on land.
- It is a mammal i.e. it gives birth to its young ones.
- It has large body, a tail, two tuskers, four legs and a large trunk.
- Elephant is a domestic animal and has been used by humans since ancient times.
- It is used to transport material from one place to the other. It can carry ver heavy things like woods, trunks etc.
- Elephant was also used in wars in old times. Moreover kings would used to go travel in their kingdoms on elephants.
- It is used in circus to show extraordinary actions.
- Elephant dung is also very important. It is used as manure in the fields and is very helpful for the growth of plants and crops.
- Elephants living in forests are very dangerous for humans. They can attack us if we go near to them.
- Elephant is a boon for us.