5 Minute Speech on Craze of Social Networking in English for Students

Social media is taking the world of today by the wave. Everyone is so engrossed in their phones on social media. Rather our lives are dependent on social media. A picture to click is far more important than anything. It is almost as if it depends on whether the day will go well or bad. People are losing their mental health for social media and there are more than thousands of proof for that. It is scary. For some, it has helped them lead. A better life. For some, not. People are portraying another life out there on social media and a different one in reality. In most social media apps, Instagram has become the most popular. Through this, we can connect to different kinds of people from different states and countries. We should be careful of social media and not be taken away by this. It takes a lot out of all of us. It is no doubt very addictive. It can have. A strong impact on the mental health of some. There are many, according to research done. We must be aware of the consequences. We must learn to keep our limits. We should teach children and many other youths. Youths are most influenced by this. Social media has no doubt helped the world and society to a whole new level but it has also led to many problems. Therefore we need to learn how to use social media widely and practically. The youths of today are most at risk.