Why is it so hard to write an essay?

Many students struggle to get through the writing process. Sometimes it’s the burden, and sometimes it’s the lack of time. But often, there are excuses and underlying factors that we seem to neglect. If one wants to get better at anything, it requires intense effort. So, let’s shed some light on a few reasons behind the struggle.

Writing requires focus

You can indeed seek help from service providers like Perfect Essay, who will do wonders for your assignments. But sometimes students want to improve by themselves too. However, there is a constant lack of focus more often than not. It’s honestly not a student’s fault. Our world has too many distractions now, like phones, the internet, social media, and so on.

The list never ends! But if you’re looking to work on an essay by yourself from scratch, you have to get rid of all these things and sit down to write. Unfortunately, the current generation’s attention span is merely fifteen to twenty minutes, but there is something you can do: take breaks.

After every 20 minutes, take a 5 to 6 minutes long break. Keep a few snacks with you as you write. It is great to provide energy and maintain focus. It will not be as challenging to focus as you think it will be once you get used to it.

Ideas Don’t Come Quickly

One of the primary reasons writing essays is so hard is that ideas aren’t easy to grasp. An incredible thought is like heaven sent! Students have to keep thinking about unique topics, which eats up most of their time. And guess what? They don’t have days to prepare a paper, merely a few hours before submission.

The best way to seek ideas is to consider your surroundings. You can take up a lot from the environment and put it into beautiful words to write brilliant essays. When it doesn’t work, go for research; there are many topics online, and you can surely benefit from these ideas.

Many students feel sick of waiting for the muse to strike and abort the task, relying on their friends or a writing service. It takes patience because you can’t force your brain to come up with something to write about as it is a creative process.

Many Students Don’t Outline

To save time, students neglect the importance of an outline. Think about it: is it so hard to write when you have an outline to back you up? Not at all! An outline acts as a plan of action. It will guide you through the entire paper, and you’ll know what kind of information each part requires. Here is how a standard outline goes:

An introduction: you can mention some background about the topic here, then move on to the thesis statement and the hook;
Next in line is the body paragraphs: add all necessary details about the topic;
Finally, you have the conclusion: restate the thesis statement here and summarize the entire passage. Voice your opinion and never include any new information on this part.

See how simple the outline is? It will barely take you ten minutes to prepare a proper outline to write the essay properly.

Writing requires practice

Most students don’t want to invest time to get better. However, if you want your writing skills to improve, you will have to invest in them. The most crucial investment element is your time because you will get better only when you practice. What makes writing so hard for students is that they don’t want to practice. Indeed, students don’t have time, but improvement requires practice.

The best policy is to finish all your tasks yourself and when you don’t have any pending assignments, write about something you enjoy like traveling, fashion, food, or technology. That way, you will get the hang of the process, your writing speed will improve, and you can identify your common mistakes.

Writing requires diligence

Working on an essay isn’t something easy. It requires diligence and will cost you hours of sleep, entertainment, and enjoyment. If you want to improve, you must entirely be dedicated to the challenge. Many students wonder why writing essays is so hard, but the main issue is that they don’t want to put in the necessary effort that it takes to develop writing skills.

Furthermore, diligence means letting go of many things you love, compromising other hobbies like sports, dinners, parties, and your precious “me time” that you get after the entire day. It is tough but will be beneficial for you in the long run and improve your grades too.

Nothing can stop you if you’re willing to do the hard work that it takes to prepare the perfect paper. So, take a deep breath, trust yourself, and start!

Writing requires courage

Without courage, you can never achieve your goals. Yes, you have to have the courage to step out of your comfort zone to get better at write-ups. It is not an overnight process, and you might feel discouraged countless times. But allow your courage to become your driving force.

Try different papers, go for descriptive, persuasive, and narrative styles, work with different tones, use multiple sentence structures and vocabulary. Finally, compare your work with professionals and have the courage to face your shortcomings. Once you identify these areas, you will become unstoppable at mastering them!

Lack of confidence and fear of failure

One of the core reasons students face difficulty writing essays is because they fear it. Fear is the only reason you keep delaying the task instead of getting it over with and relaxing. Imagine how amazing it would be when you see how far you’ve come. The fear needs to go!

You need to trust yourself. Tell yourself you can do this. Get your friends to motivate you to write and improve at the task. Once you stand on your own two feet and write a few papers yourself, you will notice a boost in your confidence. That will be the day you win half of the fight. The lack of confidence will change into your strength. You will feel confident because now you have a firm grip over the entire process!

These are the few reasons most of you know that stop you from succeeding in your heart. Well, what are you waiting for then? It’s time to work on these issues one by one to let the writer inside you thrive. Then, finally, you will see the improvement yourself, and it will make you feel like you’re on top of the world!