5 Minute Speech on Save Environment in English for Students

Year by year, our world is becoming so modernized, so westernized and so gadgetised and that is ultimately making the people of the world so ignorant about the environment. Corruption and selfish gains are also in addition to ignorance. As long as the rich ones get what they want, the rest are of no importance. The thought for the future generation is rather ignored. This is a scary outcome to ponder upon. Our world is undeniably progressing. But with the rise of factories, industries, and the number of vehicles that are rising, global warming rises along with it. This is a very important topic that we should take seriously. As we ignore the environment, we will be digging our own graves. Our environment plays the most important role in survival nd therefore, we should and must take acre of it. If we cut a tree for instace we should plant two trees. It takes an hour to cut a tree but about a decade for a tree to grow. The world is already facing a huge backlash on the actions of our previous generations who have ignored problems of the environment. As good, civilised and modern human beings, we should work all together i saving the environment and educate the others on thai topic as well.