We Go This Way But Once Poem Summary


In this poem, the poet asks us to spread kindness to the world as we have just one life. Once it is gone, we will regret for not doing good. The poem has been divided into three stanzas having four lines each.


Stanza 1

We go this way but once, O friend of mine 
So why not make the journey well worthwhile, 
giving to those who travel with us 
a helping hand, a word of cheer, a smile? 

The poet says that we get our life just once. O friend of mine refers to the person reading this poem. He further asks us to make this journey (of life) well worthwhile (fruitful) by giving a helping hand (helping), a word of cheer (encouragement) and a smile to those who travel with us i.e. those who are also living their lives but are needy.

In other words, the poet asks us to make our life useful for others by providing help to those who need our help, encouragement to those who are depressed and a smile to those who are sad.

Stanza 2

We go this way but once. Ah! never more 
Can we go back along the self-same way, 
To get more out of life, undo the wrongs, 
Or speak love's words we knew but did not say

According to the poet, we get this life only once. When it is lost, we will not be able to go back as we spent our life. At that time, we will regret and desire to go back and undo our wrong actions and also desire to speak good where we did not. But it will be of no use because once time is gone, we cannot go back

Stanza 3

We go this way but once. Then let us make 
the road we travel blossomy and sweet 
With helpful, kindly deeds and tender words, 
Smoothing the path of bruised and stumbling feet

In the final stanza, the poet asks us to make the road we travel (our life’s journey) blossomy and sweet (good and helping) by remaining helpful to others, doing good deeds and speaking tender (sweet) words. He further asks us to make the life easy for bruised and stumbling feet (those in need) by providing them help.