The Accidental Tourist Short Summary in English


Travelling is a nightmare for the narrator who always messes things up while travelling.

Travelling Mess

The narrator feels surprised by seeing people do things that he cannot. He is forgetful and confused all the time. One day, when the narrator went on a trip to England along with his family. He had come to know that he has joined the frequent flyer club.

While trying to tuck the card in, the bag zipper gave up, and everything ejected out of the bag. The narrator’s finger was stuck in the zipper, and blood was oozing out. The narrator always had a catastrophe while travelling.

Stupidity or Misfortune?

On another occasion, the narrator once spilt a soft drink on a lady sitting beside him. When the attendant came and cleaned her up, the narrator spilt the drink again. He felt humiliated and had to hear some of the most gruesome abuses. But according to the narrator, this was not the worst thing that he had experienced on a plane.

Once, while talking to a beautiful lady, he had this tip of his pen in his mouth, and it happened so that the pen had leaked and blue ink was scattered all over his mouth and face. Every daily life event had left an indelible mark on his personality because he had never completed a task without messing things up.

Different Names

The narrator could never use his frequent flyer card because he would forget his card or forget to claim the benefits to the concerned authorities. One day, when he remembered his card, the attendant refused to give him the benefits as the card and the ticket had different names on them. It was an absolute misfortune for the narrator.