10 lines on Republic Day in English 2021

  1. Republic Day is celebrated on 26th January every year in India.
  2. In this day in 1950, the Constitution was adopted.
  3. India became a secular and democratic country on this day.
  4. On this day all the offices and institutions remain close as this day is a national holiday.
  5. Schools, colleges and other educational institutions celebrate this day with great pomp and show.
  6. Students actively participate in debates, painting competition, singing, dancing etc.
  7. In New Delhi, the capital of India, a huge parade is conducted by Army, Navy and Airforce.
  8. VIPs from different countries are invited as chief guests.
  9. National Flag is hoisted at Red Fort.
  10. Thousands of people gather there to watch the celebrations.
  11. This day gives the message of unity, harmony and equality.

Question on Republic Day

When did India get Republic?

26 January 1950.

What is the importance of Republic Day?

On this day in 1950, the Constitution was adopted.