Computer Sciences Corp. does cloud computing

Jun 01, 20093 mins
Cloud Computing

A new consulting group headed by R. Lemuel Lasher and a three-pronged attack on competitors led by Brian Boruff may make CSC a real player in the cloud

Today CSC (Computer Sciences Corp.) announced its next step in a company-wide commitment to cloud computing. CSC has a strong set of enterprise systems integration and mission-critical security capabilities, and their announcement is sure to grab attention from both potential and existing customers. So exactly what is CSC announcing? A whole family of new cloud-based offerings, including “cloud orchestration services,” “trusted cloud services,” and a consulting group led by R. Lemuel Lasher.

This is pretty straightforward stuff. Cloud orchestration services is services integration, trusted cloud services is a portfolio of desktop, computing, storage, and network infrastructure services available on demand on a just-in-time basis, and well, the consulting explains itself. I was able to get a few minutes with Brian Boruff, CSC’s vice president of cloud computing and software services.

whurley: These services seem like they would be second nature to a company like CSC. Why did you wait so long to create this service offering?

Boruff: We wanted to make sure we had the right partner alliances and infrastructure (like telemarketing resources) in order to support something like this. I was recruited from Microsoft to lead CSC into the cloud computing space, and I’ve only been on board for four months, so it just took some time to get everything ready for launch.

whurley: What advantage do you see your company’s mission-critical security capabilities giving you over competing offerings?

Boruff: Many clients we talk to aren’t willing to put mission-critical information and regulatory compliance data in a public cloud. They want a trusted cloud service that gives them an SLA, security, data monitoring, and other services that provide visibility and transparency. CSC’s 1,600-person Global Security Solutions (GSS) team is very involved in our cloud computing initiative and are planning to move many of its managed security services into a trusted cloud service. We also feel our global datacenter footprint positions CSC in a very competitive way against others.

whurley: What role does CSC’s Leading Edge Forum play in this offering moving forward?

Boruff: Bill Koff and Doug Neal are very involved and engaged in our cloud computing program here at CSC. They are providing thought leadership and support through their research and study tours. LEF has another study tour coming up this October called “Doing Business in the Clouds,” and my team is very involved in engaged with the LEF and their program.

whurley: Are there any customer success stories CSC has in the cloud that you would like to share?

Boruff: We have several clients we are working closely with now that CSC is assisting in a move to a hybrid cloud computing model. We are early in some of these engagements and others, especially those in the federal government, are confidential and the client doesn’t wish to share this  information publicly. Over the coming weeks and months as more trusted cloud services offerings and orchestration services are brought to market with our alliance partners, we are focused on sharing and publishing customer success stories.

So I think this is a good move for CSC, but I’m holding out for some customer traction before rendering any opinion. Unless I’m way off — and it’s been known to happen — the biggest winner here will be the consulting services in the government sector.